If your facility needs education on plate presentation - look no further! We make understanding the new IDDSI diets EASY while offering your dietary staff culinary training on plate presentation. 

Powerful Plates: Presentation and Plating Techniques
One of the EASIEST things you can do to enhance the food at your facility is to have POWERFUL PLATES! Does this mean you need a new menu? I mean maybe...
, but there is so much you can do by just playing your dish well. A little thought into presentation goes a LONG way.

Have you heard the saying, "you eat with your eyes first?"
One of the biggest battles we face in long-term care is poor appetite and weight loss. We need our food to TASTE good and LOOK good to our residents.

Here are 3 things you can start doing NOW:



Call us today to schedule a facility inservice on plate presentation. CEUs for CDMs and RDNs are available. 325-262-2133